[TUTO] How to install and configure picons on OpenVIX

Here is an image tutorial that shows you how to install and configure picons on Vuplus decoders under a OpenVIX image.

For this tutorial you need.

Vu + ZERO, UNO, DUO, DUO 2, ULTIMO, SOLO, SOLO 2, SOLO SE, zero 4K, Uno 4k, solo 4k, Ultimo 4k, DUO 4K

Winscp for WINDOWS


PICONS 220 × 132 for satellite


– Launch WINSCP in the home window

File protocol: FTP

Hot name: (ip address of your Vu+)

User name: root

Password: empty (NO PASSWORD )- by default the root password in OpenVIX

After clicking on Login

Unpack the Picon ASTRA 220 × 132 file

Select the picon folder and drag between the two windows to the /usr/share/enigma2 folder.


MENU – Setup

User interface

Channel selection

Enable Show picons in channel list

press GREEN button to save

Then restart your receiver

Congratulation you have Picons now on your OpenPLi SKIN 🙂


You can install the picons on the internal flash memory of your receiver, the internal hard disk, a USB key

Command to add when copying picon to the internal hard drive

ln -s /usr/share/enigma2/picon /hdd/picon

Command to add when copying picon to USB stick

ln -s /usr/share/enigma2/picon/usb/picon

