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[IMAGE] OpenVIX 6.3 fur Vuplus

        he new OpenViX version 6.3 image is based on OpenViX enigma2 and OE-Alliance-core branch 5.2.The easiest way to flash latest OpenViX image is to do the following: First: Download the image to your receiver’s storage device Blue button > ViX > Image manager > Yellow (Downloads) >...
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[IMAGE] EGAMI 10.0 for VU+ UNO 4K SE

The Evolved Image (python 3) fast, stable and intuitive OE-Alliance 5.0 Python 3.9.6: (https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-396/) Gstreamer 18.5 Stable : https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ Openssl 1.1.1k – https://www.openssl.org/news/openssl-1.1.1-notes.html Support TLS 1.3 (important for IPTV, VPN and co.) GCC 11.1 (https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/changes.html) Busybox 1.33.1 Stable (https://busybox.net) New Skin C-oDreamy-FHD (Cover in infobar, second infobar and VoD) New plugins in the addons with...
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[IMAGE] OpenDroid 7.1 for VU+ UNO 4K SE

The new version 7.0 is much more complete, we have created a brand new enigma2 structure different from the previous version! This image was built on the oe-alliance 4.4 image 7.0 is much faster and more fluid, many errors have been corrected. This new enigma2 is oriented towards always being...
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[IMAGE] OpenVision 11.1 R408 for VU+ UNO 4K SE

Login details: Username: root Password: openvision   What’s new: – OE update – enigma-module supporting /usr/lib/enigma.conf – OWIF for Open Vision – BackupSuite: Support burn.bat for gb800solo – Dynamic approach for image.sh and cleanupsh by ds77 (WXbet) Enigma2: – SystemInfo.py: Switch from kernel module to enigma.conf with checksum check...
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