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[IMAGE] OpenBH 5.4 for Vuplus

OpenBh 5.4 is based on the OE-Alliance 5.4 core. Important Notice: If you like OpenBh and you want to see it continue, please don’t forget to donate towards keeping the servers online. Keeping OpenBh and this Forum online is getting more and more expensive. It costs in the region of...
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[IMAGE] OpenBH 5.3 for Vuplus

OpenBh 5.3 is based on the OE-Alliance 5.3 core. So what is different in OpenBh 5.3 then? The main change from version 5.2 to version 5.3 has been to upgrade from oe-alliance-core branch 5.2 to 5.3. The OE (Open Embedded) core on which the image is built has also undergone major changes,...
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[IMAGE] OpenVIX 6.3 fur Vuplus

        he new OpenViX version 6.3 image is based on OpenViX enigma2 and OE-Alliance-core branch 5.2.The easiest way to flash latest OpenViX image is to do the following: First: Download the image to your receiver’s storage device Blue button > ViX > Image manager > Yellow (Downloads) >...
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