We updated the firmware based on a newer version of OpenEmbedded. Now our internal version number of Open Embedded corresponds to 8.0. Added support for Vu+ Duo4k, while in alpha status and has not been tested.
Updating the version of Open Embedded seems updating to newer versions of a large number of libraries and packages used in the firmware, and updating the internal version number entails changing the links to the repository for installing updates and plug-ins.
Compilation of updates is now running. At the moment, updates are already available for Vu+ 4k Series boxes, the remaining firmware will appear as updates.
1. Improved compatibility with Unicablemanaged converters; in the settings of satellite equipment [Settings] > [TV]> [Services] > [Sattelite equipment settings] [Settings]> [TV]> [Services]> [Settings of satellite equipment] three new parameters were added for more advanced settings of this protocol:
● Unicable delay after power up before switching command
● Unicable delay after voltage change before switching command
● Unicable delay after the last DiSEqC command
2. Fixed some bugs in the intermediate beta version regarding tuner settings.
3. The format of PLS mode settings for access to multistream channels has been changed, (conversion between Gold and Root codes for DVB-S2 PLS has been added), additional information can be found here. https://github.com/DigitalDevices/dd…ter/apps/pls.c
4. Added support for WireGuard settings for network interfaces, now added settings to the /etc/network/interfaces file for the wg0 interface are not erased when changing the regular network settings of the box using the graphical interface.
[IMAGE] RUDREAM 8.0 for Vu+