[SKIN] Nitro Advanced v5.0

The colors are not code backgrounds, but rather designed images, so it is possible to control the change of the skin from the list of options to completely change the skin with its entire contents, whether — lists, infobar, and channel list — completely separate from the skins …..

Therefore, it is 10 skins, not one skin, to satisfy all tastes.

The advanced nitro plugin has been developed to work on all images based on openpli or open source

Thanks very much TO

– designer Oktus for his continuous support and support in designs (virtual picon- boot background – spinner)

– developer, (Fairbird) for his assistance in modifying and developing the blogs to come out in such a wonderful way.

– developer Redouane, to help add the update feature from the plugin

– My colleague, Kaleem … for his perseverance to make the work a success so that it will come out in its final form

What has been added again by skin version 5.0

– Now from the nitro plugin, the choice is made to allow updates to appear – so any improvements to the skin will reach you immediately

It is also possible to switch between the different colors of the skin

The skin is based on the wonderful plugin Extra Event from the developer digiting to show the aesthetics of the poster, backdrop, banner and rating … so you must make sure to install it

The skin file is attached with the extension “ipk” – “tar” as well as the download code

wget -q "--no-check-certificate" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biko-73/NitroAdvanceFHD/main/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh

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quest admin