1.) Turn on the power switch of DM7080 at the back
2.) Press Power-Button at the front until on display appears “entering setup”
3.) Now you can release Power-Button and DM7080 is in Rescue Mode
4.) You have to enter via browser -> “http://dm7080” (without “” ) or IP-Adress of DM7080 which is shown on display
5.) You will see Rescue Mode of DM7080. Click “Firmware upload”
6.) Now click “Select File” and then choose image for the DM7080 and after that click “Select”
7.) Next you have to click “Go!” and DM7080 starts with flashing
8.) After flashing click on “Click here to reboot” and wait until DM7080 is rebooting
Post Views: 4,259
December 23, 2017 quest admin
DM7080, DM7080HD, Dreambox, Dreambox 7080, firmware, flash, HD, update, upgrade